Saturday, February 9, 2013

American Cheeseburger

While I usually confine my cheeseburger making to the summer months, I was struck a few weeks ago with the desire for some fresh homemade burgers. In response, I found this recipe, which actually has a nice spice blend and complimented the homemade burger buns I made to go along with the meal. If you don't like cheese on your burgers, you can leave it off - I used cheddar cheese slices, but American cheese (or any other of your choosing) would work just as nicely.

American Cheeseburger
Adapted from McCormick "3-Step Cooking with Flavor"
6 medium sized burgers

1 1/2 lbs ground beef (I used 80% lean)
1/4 cup, plus 1/8 cup ketchup
1 1/2 tbsp Grill Mates Hamburger Seasoning
1 1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
6 slices sharp cheddar cheese
6 cheese burger buns

1. Mix ground beef, ketchup, Hamburger Seasoning, and Worcestershire sauce in a large bowl.

2. Form mixture into 6 patties, forming a small indent in the center.

3. Cook burgers in a skillet over medium heat, 4-6 minutes per side or until cooked to desired temperature. Add cheese slices roughly 1 minute before cooking is complete.

4. Enjoy!

Nutritional Info per Burger (not including burger buns):
Calories 330; Total Fat 23g; Cholesterol 85mg; Sodium 861mg; Total Carbs 6g; Protein 23g

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