Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chocolate Pancakes

Greetings All!

Well, after saying for the past two years that I would start a cooking/baking blog, I finally have! The goal of this blog is to share some of my favorite recipes with the world. As a long-term grad student, I find spending time in the kitchen to be a great source of stress relief - there's really nothing better than taking out one's frustration while kneading dough! So, let the eating begin!

Chocolate Pancakes
Adapted from Betty Crocker "Best Bisquick Recipes"
2 Servings (3 pancakes each)

1/2 egg
1/8 cup chocolate flavored syrup
5/8 cup milk (roughly 5oz)
1 cup Bisquick Mix (I used the Heart Smart mix)
1 medium banana, if desired

1. In a medium bowl whisk together the egg, chocolate syrup, and milk until combined.

2. Gently whisk the Bisquick mix into the liquid ingredients until blended. Like other pancakes you don't want to over mix the batter.

3. Brush or spray griddle or skillet (or frying pan in my case!) with vegetable oil. This should be done between each pancake as well to achieve consistent cooking for each one. Heat cooking surface over medium heat.

4. For each pancake, pour slightly less than 1/4 cup batter onto the heated cooking surface. I wound up pouring a little more than a 1/4 cup for each of my pancakes, so the last one came out a bit smaller than the rest. Cook until edges are dry. Flip. Cook until other side is golden brown. Do not flip the pancake more than once, or they will became too tough!

5. Serve with bananas, or any other topping you desire (strawberries, whipped cream, nuts, etc), and maple or chocolate syrup. I didn't want too chocolatey a flavor, so I used maple syrup, but the original recipe does call for chocolate flavored syrup.

6. Enjoy!

Nutritional Info per Serving (not including bananas and maple syrup):
Calories 269; Total Fat 6g; Cholesterol 57mg; Sodium 592mg; Total Carbs 45g; Protein 9g

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