Sunday, October 21, 2012

Homemade Pepperoni Pizza

As my previous two posts might indicate, this weekend was dedicated to making homemade pizza!

Homemade Pepperoni Pizza
1 pie (roughly 4 servings)

1 24-hour pizza dough
1/2 cup pizza sauce
8 oz mozzarella cheese (I highly recommend splurging for the fresh cheese)
pepperoni slices (I used roughly 28 pieces)
2 tbsp grated parmesan cheese

1. Preheat oven to 350F degrees.

2. Slowly work dough to fit 12in pizza pan. Grate mozzarella and parmesan cheese, if not pre-grated.

3. Slowly pour and spread 1/2 cup pizza sauce over the dough. If you like a saucier pizza feel free to add more sauce. With your hands spread roughly 3/4 of the mozzarella cheese over the sauce. Next add the pepperoni slices (or any other toppings you desire). Finish off by adding the remaining mozzarella cheese and the parmesan cheese.

4. Bake for roughly 10-20 minutes, though keep an eye on it the entire time. Mine was originally supposed to be done in 7 min, but took roughly 15, though another 1-3 probably wouldn't have hurt it either.

5. Enjoy!

Nutritional Info per Serving (toppings only):
Calories 227; Total Fat 20g; Cholesterol 62mg; Sodium 671mg; Total Carbs 0g; Protein 18g

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