Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

This frosting can be a bit temperamental in my experience, but when it comes out well, it's really good. My best advice is to repeatedly taste the frosting while making it to get the perfect balance of creaminess and taste, and don't be worried about adding more milk or vanilla as needed.

Vanilla Buttercream Frosting
Adapted from Betty Crocker "Baking Basics"
15 servings (enough for a 13x9 inch cake)

1/3 cup unsalted butter (5 1/3 tbsp), room temperature
3 cups powdered sugar
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp and 1/2 tsp milk

1. In a medium bowl, mix the powdered sugar and butter on low speed with an electric mixer. My best advice for doing this without making a huge mess, is to actually also add the vanilla and milk at the same time, which allows the frosting to take shape while the butter is being creamed.

2. Once the initial ingredients are well mixed, taste the frosting and check its texture with a spatula. The frosting should be smooth enough to be easily spreadable on the cake, if it is not smooth enough add milk and vanilla extract as needed, making sure to taste after each addition to get the proper balance between the milk, butter, sugar, and vanilla.

3. Enjoy!

Nutritional Info per Serving:
Calories 133; Total Fat 4g; Cholesterol 11mg; Sodium 2mg; Total Carbs 24g; Protein 0g

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